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Change log entry 71586
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 08:44:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64715 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Literally "to arrive" but at least in modern usage it better corresponds to the Chinese “到了”, which is very easy to understand in context but very difficult to convey in English (at least for me) if for nothing else because it can be used both to introduce an event that happened in the past or that may/will happen in the future. Something like "by the time I/he/she/it/we/they arrived/arrived some place", "when some time comes/came" or "when something happens/happened".

| 《水浒传.第一一回》:「大官人是识法度的,不到得肯挟带了出去?」

| 到得民国, 官总算说是没有了捐班。
| 鲁迅《各种捐班》

Sister Shan studied him with care: his breathing seemed to have smoothed out considerably. But later that afternoon he suddenly opened his eyes and cried out, "Ma!” (Lyell)
Fourth Shan's Wife watched him closely, and he did seem a good deal quieter. In the afternoon he suddenly opened his eyes and called, “Ma!” (Yangs)
Mrs Shan studied his face, which now seemed much more peaceful. Early in the afternoon, he suddenly opened his eyes, cried out 'Mama', (Lovell)

"When we got to the gravesite, sure enough, the river water had eaten away at the bank until it was less than two feet from the mound. (Lyell)
When we reached the grave, sure enough, the river was encroaching on it and the water was less than two feet away. (Yangs)
When we reached the burial site, we found the river had indeed been eating away at the bank, and was now less than two feet from the grave, (Lovell)

During the second half of the day, the big barred door opened once again. Ah Q was hauled out and taken to the courtroom. Up front an old man, head shaved clean, sat on a dais. (Lyell)
That afternoon he was dragged out through the grille and taken to a big hall, at the far end of which sat an old man with a cleanly shaven head. (Yangs)
Later that afternoon, he was yanked back out through the barred wooden door and into a large hall, at the far end of which sat an old man, his head shaved perfectly smooth. (Lovell)

几回的内战使他们有了丰富的经验,一听见军队快到,就理箱子,卷铺盖,往上海跑;到得 上海,不管一百块一间楼面,十块二十块宿一宵旅馆,总之是得庆更生;待传说打仗结束了,重又扶老携幼,拖箱带笼回转来。

其后汉族南下,与这些土人杂婚,就成了无诸种族,系在春秋战国,吴越争霸之后。到得 唐朝,大兵入境;相传当时曾杀尽了福建的男子,只留下女人,以配光身的兵士;故而直至现在,福州人还呼丈夫为“唐晡人”,晡者系日暮袭来的意思,同时女人的“诸娘仔”之名,也出来了。

到得 我十一岁时,回到故乡的福州,在我祖父的书桌上看到了林琴南老先生送给他的《茶花女遗事》,使我对于林译外国小说引起了广泛的兴趣,那时只要我手里有几角钱,就请人去买林译小说来看,这又使我知道了许多外国的人情世故。

When a heavy rain fell in the high mountains 50 years ago, it took a week for the water to arrive at the lower reaches of the various drainage basins.
+ 到得 到得 [dao4 de2] /to arrive (some place or time)/
By MDBG 2024
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