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Change log entry 71582
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 06:50:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65321 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
| 《三国演义.第一七回》:「却说袁术在淮南,地广粮多,又有孙策所质玉玺,遂思僭称帝号。」

| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:总而言之, 这一篇也便是‘本传’, 但从我的文章着想, 因为文体卑下, 是‘引车卖浆者流’所用的话, 所以不敢僭称。

Other writers have pointed out that between the end of the 11th Century and the start of the 12th Century there were antipopes and some of the legitimate papacies were not in Rome.

More than this, the pope has been given the very titles of Deity.

> When you come right down to it, what I'm writing here is going to be the only standard biography of Ah Q you'll find anywhere. Of course I don't dare forget my place and call it that, for the style is "vulgar" and the language I've cast it in is not the language of the classics but rather the "vile vernacular of mere rickshaw boys and peddlers. (Lyell)
> In short, this is really a “life,” but since I write in vulgar vein using the language of hucksters and pedlars, I dare not presume to give it so high-sounding a title. (Yangs)
> This effort of mine, I can only conclude, is the standard, official biography of the man; and yet the debased vulgarity of its content and characters causes me to shy, appalled, from such presumption. (Lovell)

先有人说,上星期是我们技术部老大哥生日!我们的老大哥王二,万岁!万岁!万万岁!我乍听时几乎晕过去,一切不受惩罚的幻想都破灭了。到了这个地步,心里挺平静。在我看来,僭称 万岁的事最严重,一有人提就死定了。

“飘客”玄劫微微一点头,道:“‘奇人侠士’不敢僭称 ,玄某对这孩子十分喜爱,确有这份心意……”
柳残阳 《关山万里飘客》
+ 僭稱 僭称 [jian4 cheng1] /to give sb or sth a title one has no authority to give/
# Extra:
- 僭 僭 [jian4] /to usurp/
+ 僭 僭 [jian4] /(bound form) to overstep one's authority/
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