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Change log entry 71576
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-18 00:05:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66419 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. What is "Asian phonetics"? Presumably that includes Chinese? But it appears that 中声 doesn't refer to a medial in Chinese, because that sense is not in any definition of 中声 in a Chinese dictionary.

2. Few Ch dicts define 中声, but HDC says
- 中和之声。
- 指五音中的商声
Both of those meanings seem a bit obscure (low usage), and I'm not quite sure exactly what they mean.
I propose we leave those alone at least for now.

3. The "medial" sense actually seems to refer to the medial in a *Korean* syllable [see quote below].
That sense of 中声 is not in any Chinese dictionary, though, so I suggest we leave that out as well.

"[In Korean,] letters are grouped into syllabic or morphemic blocks of at least two and often three: (1) a consonant or a doubled consonant called the initial (초성, 初聲 choseong syllable onset), (2) a vowel or diphthong called the medial (중성, 中聲 jungseong syllable nucleus), and, optionally, (3) a consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable, called the final (종성, 終聲 jongseong syllable coda). "

4. There appear to be other words for the medial of a *Chinese* syllable (中間位 and 中間音) and I will probably submit them (in a separate sub).

> Asian phonetics?
As far as I can see, these terms are limited to Korean. They appear to be borrowed from the Korean language, in fact.
In Mandarin, an initial is called 声母, not 初声 (as far as I'm aware).
And a final in Mandarin (韵母) can include a vowel and a tone and possibly no consonant, whereas a Korean final (终声) is just a consonant.

Wp ~
"Except for a few grammatical morphemes prior to the twentieth century, no letter stands alone to represent elements of the Korean language. Instead, letters are grouped into syllabic or morphemic blocks of at least two and often three: a consonant or a doubled consonant called the initial (초성, 初聲 choseong syllable onset), a vowel or diphthong called the medial (중성, 中聲 jungseong syllable nucleus), and, optionally, a consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable, called the final (종성, 終聲 jongseong syllable coda)."

- - - - -

I added 中間音, which I found in New Century E-C dictionary, and also in this other E-C dictionary entry:
<<形容詞>> 1 在中間的; 往中間的; 中央的 2『語言學』中間的 3『數學』平均的 4 一般的; 普通的
<<名詞>> 『語言學』 1 閉鎖音 2 中間音
# - 中聲 中声 [zhong1 sheng1] /medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/
- 初聲 初声 [chu1 sheng1] /initial (i.e. initial consonant of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/
+ 初聲 初声 [chu1 sheng1] /the initial consonant (or doubled consonant) of a Korean syllable/
- 中聲 中声 [zhong1 sheng1] /medial (i.e. middle vowel of a syllable in Asian phonetics)/
+ 中聲 中声 [zhong1 sheng1] /the medial (vowel or diphthong) of a Korean syllable/
- 收尾音 收尾音 [shou1 wei3 yin1] /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)/
+ 收尾音 收尾音 [shou1 wei3 yin1] /the final of a Korean syllable (consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable)/
- 終聲 终声 [zhong1 sheng1] /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)/
+ 終聲 终声 [zhong1 sheng1] /the final of a Korean syllable (consonant or consonant cluster at the end of the syllable)/
+ 中間音 中间音 [zhong1 jian1 yin1] /(phonetics) medial/
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