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Change log entry 71570
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-02-17 07:34:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67542 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

1. /to take preemptive action/
The idea of "forward defense" requires the coordination of three major structures: The first is an early warning system, the second is a crisis decision-making mechanism, and the third is a pre-emptive capability. Only in this way can we ensure the security of Taiwan.

2. /(sports) to be in the starting lineup/
Take for example the Brother Elephants, who are successful both on the field and with the fans. According to media reports, they pay the local players in their starting nine a total of NT$1.5 million per month.

3. /(of a baseball pitcher) to be the starting pitcher/
The coaches have set Wu Ssu-you to be the starting pitcher.

it will be a while before fans can again see him take the field as the Yankees' regular starting pitcher.


* 先發 may also mean "(fig.) to be the best in one's field", but I'll leave that out for now.

Will these large corporations with their solid resources catch up to Prime View and knock it off its leading perch?

全球汽車廠與產業鏈重新洗牌,以目前先發的Roadster和MINI E來說,其關鍵零組件都是由台灣廠商研發生產

In January of this year, when discussions about the "three small links" to mainland China were grabbing headlines around the world, Matsu, due to its unique conditions, beat out Kinmen to become the first place in the ROC with direct travel, mail and trade links with mainland China.
- 先發 先发 [xian1 fa1] /initial/arising first/same as 首先發起|首先发起/
+ 先發 先发 [xian1 fa1] /to take preemptive action/(sports) to be in the starting lineup/(of a baseball pitcher) to be the starting pitcher/
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