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Change log entry 71558
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 06:55:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62713 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I'm not sure if “装饰性建筑物, 形状像碉堡” is exactly what would be called a bridge tower in English; I'm submitting it because that's how CE dictionaries translate it.
* “Gateway” isn't in dictionaries but I see 桥头堡 is being used to translate the also figurative sense of gateway. Probably an extension of the figurative sense that is in the other dictionaries. In several of the examples below 桥头堡 would be more clearly translated as gateway.

n. ①〈mil.〉 bridgehead ②〈archi.〉 bridge tower M:⁴zuò 座

bridge tower
3 stronghold for attack

1. 军事上指攻击部队的先头部队,在河川或隘路的彼岸所设之阵地,可用以掩护主力的 渡河或进出隘路,或用为尔后作战的基地者。
2. 泛指进攻时的据点

1. 军事上为控制重要的渡口、桥头而设立的据点或碉堡。
2. 泛指作为进攻时的据点。
3. 设在桥两端装饰用的碉堡型建筑物。

1 名 战争中为控制桥梁、渡口而在桥头设立的碉堡或据点
| 攻占桥头堡。
2 名 建在大桥桥头的装饰性建筑物, 形状像碉堡。
3 名 泛指作为进攻的据点和前沿阵地。

But the port, where great loads of iron ore arrive, is bustling, and Beijing has designated the shipping terminal as the "Eastern bridgehead of the new Euro-Asia continental bridge."

It was also the strategic bridgehead for Qin and later the Qin Dynasty to control the vast oriental market.

The central and east European countries can serve as a gateway to China-EU cooperation.

Zhukov, seeing that the Japanese were attacking the bridgehead, decided to counterattack by flanking the enemy.

The UK, the bridge tower of the world, has stable politics and very inclusive.

Feidong serves not only as the east gate of Hefei, but also as the bridgehead for the "eastward development", moreover, it is a golden place for the "Yangtze River Delta Economy" to extend westward!

Lianyungang, as the bridgehead of the new Euro-Asia land bridge in the east, products can be shipped directly to the European market through the international transit transport containers.

Xinjiang is a key area of western development and the bridgehead of opening to the west.

Editor: I don't think it's a "stronghold to be attacked", is it?
I think it's a stronghold from which one launches an attack further into enemy territory.
(As GF says, 作为进攻的据点. And PLC says "stronghold for attack".)

More examples
徐莉玲將公司裡較好的櫃位提供給本土設計師,和當時主要百貨公司將好櫃位提供給高業績廠商的作法截然不同,不過卻為芝麻百貨和後來的中興百貨建立起特色。另一方面,徐莉玲也在敦化南路和忠孝東路口,規畫了一個名為「Designer Gallery」的設計師服飾賣場,更成為當時本土設計師的橋頭堡。
Hsu Li-ling gave the better sites to local designers, a strategy markedly different from that of the main department stores who at that time gave such space to those manufacturers with the best track records. This gave the Sesame Store, and its successor the Sunrise Department Store, a distinctive style of its own. Hsu also drew up a scheme for the Designer Gallery, a designer clothes store at the corner of Tunhua South Road and Chunghsiao East Road which was to serve as a bridgehead for local designers.

Located in the north-center of Miaoli County, between the Pachiaotung Mountains and the Houlung River, Kungkuan served as a bridgehead for the Hakka migration to the rich farmlands of the Holung flood plain.

Taihoku Imperial University was established by the Japanese colonial government in 1928, one of nine imperial universities in Japan at the time and the first comprehensive university in Taiwan. Japan, engaged in an expansionist drive in the wake of the ­Meiji Restoration, saw Tai­hoku Imperial University as a bridgehead in the academic front of its Southward Advance Policy; accordingly, no effort was spared in ensuring the school boasted the best spatial planning, research facilities, and faculty.

Communist China says that 1997 will be the return of sovereignty over Hong Kong. But we diehard loyalists to the ROC feel as if we are losing a bridgehead in the struggle for world peace. In order to continue to exist in Hong Kong, we have no choice but to bow to fate, however unwilling we may be, and seek a space.
# 橋頭堡 桥头堡 [qiao2 tou2 bao3] /bridgehead/bridge tower/(fig.) stronghold to be attacked/gateway/
+ 橋頭堡 桥头堡 [qiao2 tou2 bao3] /bridgehead (military)/stronghold serving as a base for advancing further into enemy territory/bridge tower (ornamental structure at either end of a bridge)/(fig.) gateway (place that provides access to other places beyond it)/bridgehead (key location serving as a base for further expansion)/
By MDBG 2024
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