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Change log entry 71556
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 04:36:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65442 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① ingenious expedient
② 〈Budd.〉 doctrine of profound argumentation

| 大家齐心协力,共商~
| 养心~。

| 《文明小史.第一三回》:「也罢!你们几个暂且在我衙门里等一会儿,我此刻去见两司,大家商议一个妙法。」

名 巧妙的方法
| 克敌制胜的妙法。

The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference, to let people know he wasn't worried about his job.

So far there is no magic bullet for economic woes.

Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems.

Besides venerating the sun and giving it a prominent place in their mythologies, ancient peoples also devised various ingenious methods of observing the sun, in order to predict the changing seasons and increase agricultural harvests. China's guibiao sundials, the pyramids of Egypt and Britain's Stonehenge are all related to solar observation.

> Having subdued his foes with such ingenious strategems, Ah Q would go happily off to the wineshop and down a few bowls. He would banter with some, squabble with others, and then on the crest of fresh victories, would make his way happily back to the Land-and-Grain Temple, put his head down on his pillow, and go to sleep. (Lyell)
> After employing such cunning devices to get even with his enemies, Ah Q would make his way cheerfully to the tavern to drink a few bowls of wine, joke with the others again, quarrel with them again, come off victorious again, and return cheerfully to the Tutelary God's Temple, there to fall asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. (Yangs)
> Once Ah-Q's enemies had been trounced by such ingenious means, he would trot happily off to the tavern, down a few bowls of wine, crack a few jokes, start a few arguments and, victorious again, return happily to the Temple of Earth and Grain, where he would lay his head down and go straight to sleep. (Lovell)

> Kuoting and the others quickly glance at each other and realize that there really is no good way of handling the situation other than to follow the ingenious scheme that Fifth Auntie Hui's "croaked ghost of a husband" once came up with. (Lyell)
> Kuoting and the rest eyed each other, unable to improve on her old man's plan. (Yangs)
> Glancing around at each other, Kuoting and the others tacitly agreed that the only course open to them was the one already tried by the Late Unlamented. (Lovell)
+ 妙法 妙法 [miao4 fa3] /brilliant plan/ingenious method/perfect solution/
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