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Change log entry 71553
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-16 02:32:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64933 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “facial features of a noble man” — GF say it is specifically a protruding forehead 隆起的前额 that is seen as feature of the royalty 帝王之相, but I have no example of this sense, which is likely historical — even MoE doesn't have it.
* GF “古代匈奴单于祭天的地方。” — also an interesting historical sense for which I have seen no evidence.
* The expression “坐龙庭” isn't on any dictionary but I think it should be, the meaning “to be the reigning emperor”, “to ascend to the (imperial) throne” isn't obvious from it's parts 坐+龙庭.

① imperial court
② facial features of a noble man

imperial court
| 坐龙廷
| sit on the imperial throne; be an emperor

1 名 古代匈奴单于祭天的地方。
2 名 指朝廷。
3 名 相面的人把隆起的前额叫龙庭, 认为是帝王之相。

Sevenpounder slowly raised his head, sighed, and said, “The Emperor's on the Dragon Throne again.” (Lyell)
Sevenpounder slowly raised his head and sighed. “There's an emperor again on the Dragon Throne.” (Yangs)
Seven-Pounds slowly looked up at them all. 'The emperor's back,' he sighed. (Lovell)

Keeping her eye on Seventh Master Zhao, Sister Sevenpounder put on her best smile. “Since the Emperor has ascended the Dragon Throne, when is he going to announce the general amnesty?” she asked cheerily. (Lyell)
Watching Seventh Master's expression, Mrs.Seven-Pounder forced a smile. “Now that there's an emperor on the throne, when will there be a general amnesty?” she asked (Yangs)
Mrs Seven-Pounds beamed obsequiously, keeping close watch on their guest. 'So when will we hear about the amnesty?' (Lovell)

He was like the Emperor of China, who sat glorying in himself, unaware that his fairest provinces were being wrested from him.
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

Editor: figurative example for 坐龙庭 ~
毛泽东,如何坐龙庭? [...] 李志绥感叹説:“我始终无法了解毛的冷漠,也许他目睹过多死亡,因此对人类对苦痛变得无动于衷。”也许正因为这种冷酷,才使他战胜无数对手,坐上龙庭。
+ 龍庭 龙庭 [long2 ting2] /imperial court/
# extra entry, as suggested in the submission
+ 坐龍庭 坐龙庭 [zuo4 long2 ting2] /to be the reigning emperor/to ascend to the imperial throne/
By MDBG 2024
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