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Change log entry 71527
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-14 02:19:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64401 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. my related submission: 铜钱; 方孔钱; 孔方兄

Chinese dictionaries generally describe two senses for this word: 1. cash 铜钱 coin of large denomination; and 2. (the more obvious) large sum of money.

* “high denomination of banknotes or coins” — to my knowledge, when related to denomination, 大钱 is specifically cash 铜钱, not other types of currency and Chinese dictionaries indicate this is a coin, not a banknote. Also this is coin, a countable noun (examples below), it doesn't refer to high denomination currency in general.
* “lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)/” — is there a difference between “lots of money” and “a big sum (of money)”? What's the point of mentioning “a bribe”?

① big sum of money
② old Chinese coin

1 DATED copper coin; money in general
2 big (or heavy, real) money
| 去沿海城市赚大钱
| go to coastal cities to earn big money
3 high-denomination bills (or bank notes)
| 把大钱兑换成零钱
| break (or change) the bills into smaller denominations

1. 旧指价值较高的钱币。今泛指钱。
| 百元~
| 这幅画值不了几个~。
2. 大笔的钱。
| 挣~
| 赚~。

1. 价值较高的钱币。
| 《国语.周语下》:「景王二十一年,将铸大钱。」
| 三国吴.韦昭.注:「贾侍中曰:『大钱者,大于旧,其价重也。』」
2. 大笔的钱。
| 《儒林外史.第二一回》:「人家拿大钱请先生教子弟,还不肯读;像你小檀越偷钱买书念,这是极上进的事。」

1 名 旧指面值大、分量重的一种铜钱; 今泛指钱
| 值不了几个大钱。
2 名 大笔的钱
| 他在做大买卖, 挣大钱。

The price was set at twelve strings of cash, a thousand to the string. (Lyell)
The price charged was twelve thousand cash. (Yangs)
It cost her twelve thousand coppers. (Lovell)

Go over to the desk and look at the colloquial language poetry I've done. See how many blank spaces there are on every page-probably wouldn't bring in more than three dollars for the lot. (Lyell)
Look at all the blank spaces in that volume of vernacular poems I wrote. I'm afraid it'll only fetch three hundred dollars. (Yangs)
Just take a look at my free verse: almost every other word's a space. I probably wouldn't get more than three hundred coppers for a whole book. (Lovell)

Fortunately, since it was already spring, he didn't need his cotton quilt all that much anymore, and so he hocked it for two thousand coppers so as to fulfill the five conditions. (Lyell)
Luckily it was already spring, so it was possible to do without his padded quilt which he pawned for two thousand cash to comply with the terms stipulated. (Yangs)
But as, by happy coincidence, it was spring, he was able to do without his cotton quilt, which he pawned for two thousand coppers, enabling him to fulfil the demands of the peace treaty. (Lovell)

Blueskin Ah-five did not show up all day, and consequently the manager of the Prosperity had to hire two porters whom Sister Shan paid two hundred and ten coppers apiece.#2They carried the coffin to the potter's field, found a place for it, and covered it with a mound. (Lyell)
Since Blue-skinned Awu did not turn up all day, the landlord of Prosperity Tavern hired two porters for Fourth Shan's Wife at 210 large coppers each, who carried the coffin to the public graveyard and dug a grave. (Yangs)
Since Ah-wu failed to show up, the manager of the Universal Prosperity hired two bearers - at a cost of two hundred and ten coppers each - on Mrs Shan's behalf, to carry the coffin to its final resting place in a pauper's grave. (Lovell)

爹每天赚的二、三十个大钱 ,养活自己也困难,哪能再拖上一个女儿。有人劝他把女儿卖了。

翠翠带着点做作问:“是什么人的?”“是什么人的?住在山上的王团总的。我听人说是那中寨人为女儿作嫁妆的东西,好不阔气,包工就是七百吊大钱 ,还不管风车,不管家什!”


He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.

You are working for chicken feed. Work here and earn big money.

一个农民用同情的腔调议论着:“废了。不中用了。不过也不用愁,这驴很胖,卖到屠宰组,会得一笔大钱 。”

于是就把这一批母鸡继续饲养,第二年一开春又养了一批小鸡。果然蛋价上涨,三杠子赚了大钱 ,喜不自胜。
- 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /high denomination of banknotes or coins/lots of money/a big sum (e.g. a bribe)/
# + 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /cash coin of high denomination (old Chinese type of coin)/large sum of money/
+ 大錢 大钱 [da4 qian2] /large sum of money/old Chinese type of coin of high denomination/
By MDBG 2024
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