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Change log entry 71523
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-13 12:41:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67512 >>
not a high-priced one

B ~ 在一些小餐馆(特别是车站码头、中转站附近的小馆)从事“拉客”的人员。他们或者扮演食客,或者夸大宣传,或者进行价格欺诈,甚至实施暴力,诱骗或强迫路人进店消费。

K ~ person hired by a restaurant to drum up business
- 飯托 饭托 [fan4 tuo1] /person hired to lure customers to high-priced restaurants/
# + 飯托 饭托 [fan4 tuo1] /person hired to lure customers to restaurants/
+ 飯托 饭托 [fan4 tuo1] /person hired to lure customers to a restaurant/
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