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Change log entry 71475
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 07:50:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64108 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* “utterance” looks a bit out of place but I can't think of a better replacement. Pronouncements, declarations, statements, etc. are generally formal; words, remarks, etc. aren't necessarily spoken. This expression refers specifically to something that is spoken in public but not necessarily in a formal setting.
* Also used adjectively: 语惊四座的.

f.e. The words startle all present.

IDIOM words startle all present
| 发言人语惊四座。
| The speaker’s words electrified the listeners.


而这样的"语惊四座"早就不是第一次了。 布什总统经常在某些重要场合让听众为他笨拙的措辞大跌眼镜。
But it is not the first time that Mr Bush has raised eyebrows with his homespun choice of words to articulate pivotal moments in his presidency.

A good introduction is very important. Think: how can you grab the audiences' attention? A startling statement, a quotation or a statistic?

Mr. Bloeckman suddenly cleared his throat and said in a loud, distinct voice:
“On the contrary. When a man speaks he's merely tradition. He has at best a few thousand years back of him. But woman, why, she is the miraculous mouthpiece of posterity.”
In the stunned pause that followed this astounding remark, Anthony choked suddenly on an oyster and hurried his napkin to his face. Rachael and Muriel raised a mild if somewhat surprised laugh, in which Dick and Maury joined, both of them red in the face and restraining uproariousness with the most apparent difficulty.
在这段语惊四座 的发言后,接下来便是尴尬的沉默,此时安东尼突然被嘴里的牡蛎呛到,慌忙拿起餐巾往脸上擦。
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and the Damned《美丽与毁灭》

戈尔巴乔夫说过这样的话:有一件事是公开的秘密,假如你想给自己盖个小房子,就得给主管官员些贿赂,再到国家的工地上偷点建筑材料。这样的事干得说不得,属于沉默;再加上讲这些话时,戈氏是苏共总书记,所以当然语惊四座 。

1988年,这位海南人大学毕业没多久,便只身踏上了澳洲的红土地。半年后,他从悉尼的一间语言学校结业,当同学们纷纷表示要进正规大学继续读书时,他却作出了语惊四座 的表态,“还上什么大学呀,我们在中国都读了快20年的书了,自己办所大学还差不多。”

十大建筑之一的北京火车站巍峨壮观,不愧为共和国的大门,中国铁路运输的神经中枢。周恩来总理视察北京站后,语惊四座 :将来北京的西南郊再建一座火车客站!短短的一句话,饱含着老一辈革命家超前的眼光。

Editor: Based on examples I've seen, including some of those submitted, it would make better sense to define it as a verb phrase than as a complete sentence.
Here are a couple of extra examples, in which 语惊四座 functions as a verb phrase, appearing after a grammatical subject.

At the mention of Taiwanese cuisine, Chef Ah-Nan smiles animatedly and reveals his secrets. He explains that another classic Taiwanese dish-tsai-bo-neng (菜脯蛋/dried-radish-and-egg frittata)-entails even more dedication to perfection: "You need to learn for at least three years and four months to do it right," says Ah-Nan.

An incident that probably made a deeper impression on the Taiwanese public was the case of Li Yen-hsiu. Li won a Golden Bell (the Taiwan equivalent of an Emmy) for her work as CTS anchor in 1993, but was so frustrated by management's frequent interference that she complained that the award should have been for "best puppet"!
# 語驚四座 语惊四座 [yu3 jing1 si4 zuo4] /the utterance startled all present (idiom)/startling (of an utterance)/
+ 語驚四座 语惊四座 [yu3 jing1 si4 zuo4] /to make a remark that startles everyone present (idiom)/(of a remark) startling/
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