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Change log entry 71474
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-08 01:56:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64103 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative] v[erb]
① be unspeakable/unmentionable
② be scandalous
③ 〈topo.〉 have no say; have to comply
④ be unavoidable

1 unspeakable; unmentionable
2 be scandalous
3 DIALECT have no say; have to comply

1. 不可说;不要说。
| 这秘密~
| 脏话~。
2. 不得已;只好。
| 这段时间无法工作,~要到处借钱度日。
3. 不得了。表示非常、十分。
| 他的脾气坏得~。
4. 无从说起;没法说。
| 他俩的问题,~。

1. 不可说、不要说。如:「猥亵的话,说不得。」
2. 不得了。表示极度、非常。如:「他的人品坏得说不得。」
3. 不得已、只好。
| 《红楼梦.第八回》:「说不得东拼西凑的,恭恭敬敬封了二十四两贽见礼。」
| 《文明小史.第三九回》:「在这内地,说不得要用华装,添做了些摹本宁绸四季衣服,看看三百两银子已经用完了。」

In the interest of his son's career he had to pinch and scrape to get together twenty-four taels of silver as a handsome entrance gift.

She was Irish enough to believe in second sight, especially where death premonitions were concerned, and in his wide gray eyes she saw some deep sadness which she could only interpret as that of a man who has felt the cold finger on his shoulder, has heard the wail of the Banshee.
“You mustn’t say it! You mustn’t even think it. It’s bad luck to speak of death! Oh, say a prayer, quickly!”
“这样的话可千万说不得 !连想都不能想。无缘无故说死字多晦气!哎呀,快点快点,来做个祷告!”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind 《飘》

戈尔巴乔夫说过这样的话:有一件事是公开的秘密,假如你想给自己盖个小房子,就得给主管官员些贿赂,再到国家的工地上偷点建筑材料。这样的事干得说不得 ,属于沉默;再加上讲这些话时,戈氏是苏共总书记,所以当然语惊四座。

香阁忽道:“人说你会放蛊,能不能把人迷住,听你指挥?”荷珠板起脸,摇手道:“说不得 ,说不得。说了有大祸。”其实荷珠自己明白,所谓蛊,就是让众多毒虫相斗,那最后仅存者,当然是剧毒之物,用来伤人性命不成问题,至于手指一指就能让人中毒,实在是瞎话。
+ 說不得 说不得 [shuo1 bu5 de5] /to be unmentionable/be unspeakable/must/cannot but/
By MDBG 2024
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