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Change log entry 71468
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-07 11:04:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65329 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Seems more often translated as “local constable”, which to me seems a better translation because: 1) 地 here does mean local, and 2) “magistrate” often implies some kind of judicial power which (judging from Chinese definitions) 地保 didn't have.

n. 〈trad.〉 local constable

constable at village or ward level (in the Qing Dynasty and the early Republican days)


| 《红楼梦.第八六回》:「知县便叫地保对明初供,又叫尸亲张王氐井尸叔张二问话。」
| 《老残游记.第四回》:「一面两匹马把住,不许一个人出去,将地保乡约等人叫起。」

名 旧时地方上替官府办差的人。

> At noon the following day, someone spotted a corpse in the Wanliu Lake, five miles outside the town's West Gate, and immediately spread the word. The news eventually reached the ears of the local sheriff, who in turn had a peasant go fish it out of the water. (Lyell)
> At noon the next day someone noticed a drowned man floating in the Wanliu Lake five miles from the West Gate. He lost no time in spreading the news till word reached the local bailiff, who got some villagers to recover the corpse. (Yangs)
> At noon the following day, a corpse was found floating in the Lake of Myriad Currents, around five miles from the West Gate. When the news reached the local constable, he ordered a local to fish it out: (Lovell)

> Who could have foreseen that the very next day the local sheriff would order Ah Q to hightail it on out to the Zhaos' place? As soon as Old Master Zhao clapped eyes on Ah Q, the old fellow's face flushed scarlet. "Ah Q, you miserable bastard," he bellowed, (Lyell)
> But the next day the bailiff summoned him to Mr. Zhao's house. When the old gentleman set eyes on him his face turned crimson with fury and he roared: “Ah Q, you miserable wretch! (Yangs)
> The following day, the local constable summoned Ah-Q to the Zhaos'. 'You stupid bastard, Ah-Q!” the honourable Mr Zhao roared, his face blotching crimson at the sight of him. (Lovell)
- 地保 地保 [di4 bao3] /magistrate/
+ 地保 地保 [di4 bao3] /(old) local constable/
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