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Change log entry 71455
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-06 05:12:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65345 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① solicit articles
② cite a text in support

| ~启事
| ~活动
| ~比赛
| ~选登。

1. 公开征求文章。如:「征文启事」、「征文活动」。
2. 取证于典籍史料的记载。
| 《宋书.卷一六.礼志三》:「礼记残缺之书,本无备体,折简败字,多所阙略。正应推例求意,不可动必征文。」
| 清.连横《台湾通史序》:「郭公夏五,疑信相参,则征文难。」

To welcome the illuminating 70th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese Communist Party, essays solicited on "on the position of Party branch secretary" meet with readers today.

Soliciting articles was one of the methods that was adopted by the Missionaries, living in China during the Late Qing Dynasty, to make the Chinese pay close attention to the Gospel of the Christ.

In the process of reconstructing this history, the Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights, which puts great emphasis on collecting historical materials about women, has published Grandmothers' Tales, a collection of winning reminiscences submitted to a writing contest the association sponsored, and an oral history entitled Disappearing Taiwanese Grandmothers.

In the previous issue, we posted an appeal for contributions from all our Sinorama readers who would like to tell us moving stories that have happened to you personally. In this issue, we will provide a more detailed explanation of the procedures, welcoming experts from all fields to take part. We hope that readers, through our various columns, will find a medium of interchange.

> ”We've hurried over here this very night to settle on the topics for the Eighteenth Essay and Poetry Contest of our Society for the Improvement of the Social Mores. Isn't tomorrow the seventeenth?” (Lyell)
> We've hurried here at this time of night because of the eighteenth essay and poem contest of the Moral Rearmament Literary League. Isn't tomorrow the seventeenth?”. (Yangs)
> 'We've come to settle on a subject for the Eighteenth Essay and Poetry Contest of the Society for Improving the Fabric of Society. Tomorrow's the seventeenth - remember?”‘ (Lovells)

> If Ah Q had used the character meaning "moon pavilion" as his courtesy name, or if he had been born in the eighth lunar month, then his given name would certainly be written with the QUEI meaning "laurel." But he didn't have a courtesy name. Or if he did, nobody knew it. If only at some point in his career he had sent out invitations soliciting eulogies on the grand occasion of his fiftieth or sixtieth birthday, the way scholar-officials do, then I could check "laurel" against those. But since Ah Q never sent out any such invitations, it would be downright dogmatic of me to insist on "laurel." (Lyell)
> If his other name had been Moon Pavilion, or if he had celebrated his birthday in the month of the Moon Festival, then it would certainly be the “Gui” for fragrant osmanthus. But since he had no other name — or if he had, no one knew it — and since he never sent out invitations on his birthday to secure complimentary verses, it would be arbitrary to write Ah Gui (fragrant osmanthus). (Yangs)
> This Quei, then - I have induced - was it in fact gui And, if so, was it the gui meaning 'osmanthus flower' (桂) or 'noble' (贵)?” Now, if his parents had had the foresight to give him a nom de plume, and that name had been 'Moon Pavilion', or if he had been born in the eighth lunar month, the gui of 'osmanthus' would have made abundant sense - for the Moon Festival falls on the eighth month, when the osmanthus blooms. But as, being illiterate and all, he had no nom de plume - or maybe he did, but no one knew what it was - and neither did he ever hint at the month of his birth by distributing party invitations, to settle upon osmanthus gui would again constitute irresponsible licence on the part of his biographer. (Lovell)

从一九六三年起,《北京晚报》就有个征文 ,总的题目就叫《我和北京》。征文开始的时候,《北京晚报》就来找我写文章,可是我好久都写不出来,特别是看多了《我和北京》的文章,我就越不敢写了。

解放军代表李伟说:自从总政治部发起了“解放军三十年征文 ”以后,将军、广大干部和战士以及许多年迈的革命老人,都热情地拿起了笔,掀起了一个群众性的写作运动。仅仅经部队系统层层挑选送到编辑部的征文,已达一万一千多篇,大约四千万字以上。“星火燎原”就是由短篇革命斗争回忆录汇编而成的一部书。
+ 徵文 征文 [zheng1 wen2] /to solicit articles, essays or pieces of literature (on a subject or in commemoration of an event)/
By MDBG 2024
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