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Change log entry 71449
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 21:27:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67158 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 管他呢, 管他的, 不管

* I see 管他 used to be in the dictionary as a synonym for 管他呢/管他的 before being removed, but there's a difference: 管他 (also spelled 管它) can be followed by the thing that doesn't matter (名次高低, 預報是晴是雨...), it's not just a fixed expression, like 管他呢.

v[erb].o[bject construction]. (don't) worry about/that ...

| 艾芜《山野》:死生有命, 富贵在天…管他做什么。

The singing and dancing are by far the most important performances. The performers, divided into groups by age, wear bright costumes. Although out under the blazing sun, they nonetheless give their all, throwing themselves into the music and dance

In the end, whether the forecast is for rain or shine, there are always people who still adopt the attitude that "I'm not going to let the weather stop me." Most businessmen have the same positive attitude. As Chu Chih-yang, chairman of the Fair Friend Group, insists: "You invest where there are investments to be made, you grow where there's room to grow, and you do your best to earn the money that's out there to be earned. Anyway, you don't know about a lot of variables until you get to the end. Since they are beyond your control, why worry about them?"

Because food is shockingly expensive in Europe, they could not eat with wild abandon along the way. One rainy day as they traipsed cold and wet along a Swiss street, Sarah turned to Raymond and said, "The heck with the cost. I want to have a genuine local fondue."

Then these companies pursue various philanthropic activities to show their compassionate side, by making public displays of charitable donations to the people of Lanyu (even if the people there have no need of their gifts) or funding protection of sea turtles on Lanyu (even if the extra funds actually result in more harm to the turtles).

"Even if it's making an appointment with someone to deliver a tank of natural gas or fix the telephone, I take precautions," she says. "When there's a strange man in the house to fix the bathroom plumbing or do work in the kitchen or whatever, my usual response is to call a friend, and protect myself by having contact with somebody outside." She adds, to illustrate how conscientious she is about her security, that the idea came to her on her own: "No one ever taught me to do this."
+ 管他 管他 [guan3 ta1] /no matter if/regardless of/don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/
+ 管它 管它 [guan3 ta1] /no matter if/regardless of/don’t worry about (it, him etc)/doesn’t matter/
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