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Change log entry 71443
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 11:14:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65032 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Doesn't seem to mean "blighted" even if that is a common translation. Chinese sources just say 不饱满, while blight is symptom of a diseased plant. 规范词典 also says 中空, hollow, 现代汉语大词典 doesn't. I think 不饱满 by itself just means "immature grain", although "abortive grain" would also result in 不饱满的谷子.

n. rice grain not fully grown

blighted grain; abortive grain; immature grain

名 中空的或不饱满的稻谷或谷子。

| 鲁迅《故乡》:沙地上, 下了雪, 我拓出一块空地来, 用短棒支起一个大竹匾, 撒下秕谷。

> Out by the ocean where we live, I always wait till there's a good snowfall. Then I sweep a place nice and clean, take a little stick, and prop up a big, big bamboo basket. I sprinkle some grain underneath and tie a string to the bottom of the stick. Then I back way, way off and wait for the birds to come. One little tug and I've got them. (Lyell)
> On our sands, after it snows, I sweep clear a patch of ground, prop up a big threshing basket with a short stick, and scatter husks of grain beneath; then when I see the birds coming to eat, from a distance I give a tug to the string tied to the stick, and the birds are caught in the basket. (Yangs)
> Then you clear a patch of sand, prop a basket on a short stick and scatter some blighted grain. Tie some rope to the stick, stand a good long way away, holding the other end of the rope, then soon as you see a bird come to get the grain, give the rope a tug and it’s stuck, under the basket. (Lovell)

When life was hard, people had to feed on blighted grains.

去年春天,用一尺耧种了谷,效果很好,加上水肥等等条件,秕谷 减少了,亩产增加了四十斤。

各地都应注意从多方面解决饲料供应问题,并发动群众尽量采用菜类、薯类、秕谷 和野生饲料饲养家畜。

现在他们正在抓紧田间管理,促使早发早熟,为进一步降低秕谷 率,争取收获更多的晚稻创造条件。

Editor: 子粒不饱满的谷子 ... that could happen for various reasons, not necessarily because the grain hasn't had enough time to grow (which is what "immature" suggests to me).
For example, there may have been a drought.
I think it's better to go for sth like ABC's broader definition, which doesn't specify the reason why the grain is 不饱满.
# 秕穀 秕谷 [bi3 gu3] /immature rice grain/
+ 秕穀 秕谷 [bi3 gu3] /grain not fully grown/
By MDBG 2024
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