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Change log entry 71440
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-05 05:44:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65950 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
do not expect; do not seek
| 她不图回报。
| She doesn't expect to be repaid.

〈wr.〉 unexpectedly; contrary to expectation

not seek; not strive for
| 不图名利
| not seek fame or gain

unexpected; to one’s surprise

1. 不贪图;不谋取。
| ~回报
| ~名利
| ~荣华富贵。
2. 不料。
| 千里寻访,~半路相逢。

1. 不料。
| 《論語.述而》:「子在齊聞韶,三月不知肉味。曰:『不圖為樂之至於斯也。』」
| 《文選.劉琨.勸進表》:「不圖天不悔禍,大災存臻。」
2. 不貪圖。
| 《文選.揚雄.長楊賦》:「雖然亦頗擾于農人,三旬有餘,其廑至矣,而功不圖。」

1 动 <文> 不料
| 不图中年丧偶。
2 动 不贪图; 不谋取
| 不图报答
| 不图享受
| 不图便(pián)宜。

They are not interested in making money or fame or accomplishments. They just want to be monks.

She admitted: "I would do Harry Potter for nothing. It's not really anything to do with money."

But business is business. You expect me to come out of this empty-handed and let my family eat the northwest wind?

> Ah Q turned, intending to hightail it back to the hulling shed, but found himself cut off by the pole. #2 He backtracked, went the other way, and made it safely out the rear gate. Before long he was back inside the Land-and-Grain Temple. (Lyell)
> He turned and ran, hoping to escape to the hulling-floor, not foreseeing that the bamboo pole would cut off his retreat. When it did, he turned and ran in the other direction, leaving without further ado by the back gate. Soon he was back in the Tutelary God's Temple. (Yangs)
> Turning to exit back to the husking floor, he found his path blocked by this new stick. Logically enough, he decided to leave by the back door, and soon found himself back inside the Temple of Earth and Grain. (Lovell)
+ 不圖 不图 [bu4 tu2] /not to seek (sth)/to have no expectation of (sth)/(literary) unexpectedly/
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