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Change log entry 71386
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 09:51:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64533 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* to pinch — This is probably the most common definition but I don't think 捏 means to pinch, to “to squeeze between the finger and thumb”, 捏 generally it means “to hold between the thumb and fingers”, not to squeeze. I can find a good number of example translations where “to pinch”, “to give a nip” is the only possible translation, but almost all of them are clearly translated from English into Chinese, probably under the influence of the dictionary definitions; in original Chinese texts it seems to not have this meaning. I may be wrong about this, but I don't think I'm wrong in suggesting not using “to pinch” as the the first gloss for this word/character.

* to knead — This is in several dictionaries but I don't think 捏 means “to work and press into a mass” at all. Can it be an attempt to describe “用手指将软物体搓捻成某种形状”, to mold into shape? In the example for Pleco, “捏饺子”, “kneading” seems to make sense but this is still molding the jiaozi dough into shape with the fingers, which is very different from kneading dough to make bread, for example.

* to make up — “To make up” has more than one meaning, the definition should be clearer.

① hold between the fingers; pinch
② knead with the fingers; mold
fabricate; trump up

1 hold between the finger and thumb; pinch
| 捏着鼻子
| hold one’s nose
| 把米里的虫子捏出来
| pick the worms out of the rice
2 work with the fingers; mould
| 捏饺子
| knead up the wrappers (of jiaozi)
| 捏泥人儿
| mould clay figurines
3 fabricate; make up
| 捏报
| fake a report
4 bind up; put together
| 把不相干的事情捏在一起
| lump together unrelated things

1. 用拇指与其他指头将东西夹住。
| ~住鼻子
| ~紧钱币
| 将碎屑~起来。
2. 用手指将软物体搓捻成某种形状。
| ~面人
| ~黏土
| ~饺子。
3. 虚构;附会。
| ~造
| ~词妄控。


1. 用手指将软东西搓捻成某种形状。如:「捏面人」、「捏饺子」、「捏泥人儿」。
| 元.王实甫《西厢记.第一本.第二折》:「头直上只少个圆光,却便似捏塑来的僧伽像。」
2. 用拇指与其余手指夹住。如:「捏鼻子」、「捏紧线头」、「捏一把冷汗」。
3. 握住。
| 元.郑光祖《㑇梅香.第一折》:「俺捏住这玉佩,慢慢的行将去。」
4. 虚构、牵强附会。如:「捏造事实」。
| 《红楼梦.第八六回》:「今尔远来,并非目睹,何得捏词妄控。」

1 动 用拇指和其他指头一起夹住
| 捏着鼻子
| 手捏不住筷子。
2 动 用手指把软东西弄成某种形状
| 捏面人儿
| 捏橡皮泥。
3 动 使合起来; 撮合
| 把那么多不同脾气的人捏在一起不容易
| 捏合。
4 动 虚构; 编造
| 捏造。
5 动 握
| 把纸团捏在手心里。

He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger.

She lifted the frog with two dainty fingers, carried him upstairs, and put him down in a corner.

Natalie was clutching her ticket, and trying to understand the shouts of the uniformed attendants.

"By the way, James," Margaret said, holding the stem of her glass,"I want to say how awfully grateful I am to you for your tact these last couple of weeks."

The congressman spun empty champagne glass between two fingers.

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers,

The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.

God formed man of the dust of the ground.

He pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe.

The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.

He held the cigarette in his fingers and the smoke curled up past his bloodshot eyes.

He turned and fled down the stairs with the chocolate growing sticky in his hand.

He held in his hand something which resembled a letter.

The poor stationer was at the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.

He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding.

The older couple had set aside other feelings in an attempt to hold the family together.

今年37岁的次仁现在是两个孩子的父亲了,但婚后夫妻感情一直不好。次仁常常埋怨母亲“你把素不相识的人‘捏 ’在一起,有什么好结果。

Her mind was in a turmoil: should she tell her father straight out that she had not yet tried to find out, or should she just beat about the bush and hope she could muddle through? Or should she simply make something up to put him of?

to hold between the thumb and the other fingers -->
to hold between the thumb and other fingers
- 捏 捏 [nie1] /to pinch (with one's fingers)/to knead/to make up/
# + 捏 捏 [nie1] /to hold between the thumb and the other fingers/to pinch/to mold (using the fingers)/to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.)/to join together/to fabricate (a story, a report, etc)/
+ 捏 捏 [nie1] /to hold between the thumb and other fingers/to pinch/to mold (using the fingers)/to hold (lit. in one's hand and fig.)/to join together/to fabricate (a story, a report, etc)/
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