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Change log entry 71377
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-01 04:56:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64796 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. floating/surface dust

floating (or surface) dust

1. 空中漂浮的或落在物体表面的尘土。
| 车棚上落了一层~
| 汽车飞驰而过,扬起滚滚~。
2. 特指空中有大量沙尘飘浮的天气现象。
| ~天气宜减少外出。

| 宋.林逋〈寺居〉诗:「不厌浮尘拟何了,片心难舍此缘中。」
| 宋.苏辙〈次韵子瞻和渊明饮酒诗〉二○首之六:「浮尘扫欲尽,火枣行当成。」

1 名 飘浮在空中或落在物体表面的尘土。
2 名 特指大量沙尘飘浮于空中的天气现象
| 浮尘天气。

Floating dust is the mildest form of sandstorms, and Beijing would not be much affected.

The main body of the cyclone is expected to reach Beijing around Saturday noon, but the strong wind should help drive the floating dust away, according to Sun.

In early 2001, there were strong winds, flying dust, flying sand and sandstorms in Hexi corridor and part of Inner Mongolia, which influenced part of the north China, including Beijing.

Before long the north wind subsided. It had blown away every last speck of dust, leaving a spotlessly clean thoroughfare stretched out before us. The rickshaw man started making better time too. (Lyell)
Presently the wind dropped a little, having blown away the drifts of dust on the road to leave a clean broad highway, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. (Yangs)
That morning, not long after we got moving, the wind eased, leaving before us a wide, pale road blasted clean of loose dust, and my runner picked up speed. (Lovell)

阳光正照在曼璐的遗像上,镜框上的玻璃反射出一片白光,底下的照片一点也看不见,只看见那玻璃上的一层浮尘 。
# 浮塵 浮尘 [fu2 chen2] /dust floating in the air/surface dust/large amount of airborne sand and dust, such as during a sandstorm/
+ 浮塵 浮尘 [fu2 chen2] /dust (floating in the air or settled on a surface)/large amount of airborne sand and dust, such as during a sandstorm/
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