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Change log entry 71367
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-30 04:54:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64720 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 三焦; 六腑

Of the dictionaries I've seen, monolingual dictionaries generally describe each of the 三焦 as a body part 部位 which includes certain organs, while C-E dictionaries usually describe them as body cavities or parts of “the body cavity” which house certain organs. Their place in the human anatomy does seem to match quite closely the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_cavity), but in TCM they seem to be seen essentially as organs themselves, with specific functions and problems.

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 body cavity between the diaphragm and the umbilicus
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] part of the body cavity between the diaphragm and the umbilicus housing the spleen, stomach, etc.

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 body cavity above the diaphragm
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] part of the body cavity above the diaphragm housing the heart and lungs

【Wenlin】n. 〈Ch. med.〉 the part of the body cavity below the umbilicus
【Pleco】[NOUN/CHINESE MEDICINE] the body cavity below the umbilicus, housing the bladder, kidneys and bowels

Editor: I don't agree entirely.
For example:
- the 下焦 is not the "part of the human body below the navel" because that would include the feet.
- although monolingual dicts say things like 横膈膜以上部分之身体部位, I think 身体 in this context should be understood as "the trunk" rather than "the body", otherwise the eyes and the brain would be part of the 上焦, and I think that's not so.
# 中焦 中焦 [zhong1 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen, the stomach etc/
# 上焦 上焦 [shang4 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body above the diaphragm, including the heart, the lungs etc/
# 下焦 下焦 [xia4 jiao1] /(TCM) part of the human body below the navel, including the kidneys, the bladder, the intestines etc/
+ 中焦 中焦 [zhong1 jiao1] /(TCM) middle burner, the part of the body within the abdominal cavity (between the diaphragm and the navel, including the spleen and stomach)/
+ 上焦 上焦 [shang4 jiao1] /(TCM) upper burner, the part of the body within the thoracic cavity (above the diaphragm, including the heart and lungs)/
+ 下焦 下焦 [xia4 jiao1] /(TCM) lower burner, the part of the body within the pelvic cavity (below the navel, including the kidneys, bladder and intestines)/
By MDBG 2024
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