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Change log entry 71330
Processed by: richwarm (2021-01-25 22:47:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65402 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE has different entries for xíngzhuàng and xìngzhuàng, but both seem to describe the same thing (?). LAC says xìnɡzhuànɡ is the TW pronunciation, other dictionaries only have xíngzhuàng.
* ABC's two senses seem the same to me.
* LAC sense “履历;事迹” is used by Lu Xun in Ah Q but doesn't seem very common, even the example in LAC seems a paraphrase from Ah Q. HDC has a couple more examples from classical literature. In this sense the definition “background” isn't wrong but it can mean different things.

① brief obituary
② brief biography of the deceased

brief biography of a deceased person (usu. accompanying an obituary notice)

1. 旧时叙述死者家世、籍贯、生卒年月、生平事迹的文章,多随讣告分送亲友。也作「行述」。
2. 履历;事迹。
| 对他先前的~也很渺茫。

| 南朝梁.刘勰《文心雕龙.书记》:「体貌本原,取其事实,先贤表谥,并有行状,状之大者也。」
| 唐.李翶〈百官行状奏〉:「由是事失其本,文害于理,而行状不足以取信。」


名 <文> 专门记述死者家世、籍贯、生卒年月和生平概略的文章。


行状(xíng zhuàng),称“状”,以后称之“行状”或“行述”(也谓之“事略”)。叙述死者世系、生平、生卒年月、籍贯、事迹的文章,常由死者门生故吏或亲友撰述,留作撰写墓志或史官提供立传的依据。

One of the biographical styles in ancient China, the posthumous biography played different roles in its history of development.

> Not only is there a certain vagueness surrounding Ah Q's given name, family name, and place of origin, but there is also a great deal of uncertainty regarding his "official resumé" (Lyell)
> In addition to the uncertainty regarding Ah Q's surname, personal name, and place of origin, there is even some uncertainty regarding his “background.” (Yangs)
> It was not only Ah-Q's name and place of origin that were shrouded in mystery - but also the details of his early life. (Lovell)

> When the busy season came, to be sure, people's minds would turn to Ah Q, but what they would think about was his ability to work and not the particulars of his "resume." Once the busy season was over they would have forgotten his very existence, not to mention the details of his past career. (Lyell)
> Thus whenever people had work to be done they would remember Ah Q, but what they remembered was his service and not his “background.” By the time the job was done even Ah Q himself was forgotten, to say nothing of his “background.” (Yangs)
> When people were in a hurry to get something done, therefore, they remembered Ah-Q - but only the odd jobs he could do for them, and not his life history. And as soon as they were no longer in such a hurry, Ah-Q - and his elusive biographical details - were quickly forgotten. (Lovell)
- 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /person's background/
# + 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /(old) brief biography of a deceased person, generally as an obituary/one's past experience/one's past record/Taiwan pr. [xing4 zhuang4]/
+ 行狀 行状 [xing2 zhuang4] /(literary) brief obituary/one's past experience/one's past record/Taiwan pr. [xing4 zhuang4]/
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