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Change log entry 7125
Processed by: miles (2009-01-01 19:04:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5619 >>
+ 搶風頭 抢风头 [qiang3 feng1 tou2] /to steal the show/to grab the limelight/
+ 搶鏡頭 抢镜头 [qiang3 jing4 tou2] /to scoop the best camera shots/to grab the limelight/
- 避風 避风 [bi4 feng1] /take shelter from the wind/lie low/stay away from trouble/
+ 避風 避风 [bi4 feng1] /to take shelter from the wind/to lie low/to stay out of trouble/
+ 避避風頭 避避风头 [bi4 bi4 feng1 tou2] /to lie low until the fuss dies down/
+ 風標 风标 [feng1 biao1] /wind vane/anemometer/weathercock/fig. person who switches allegiance readily/turncoat/
+ 定風針 定风针 [ding4 feng1 zhen1] /wind vane/anemometer/weathercock/
+ 見風轉舵 见风转舵 [jian4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4] /lit. see the wind and set the helm (成语 saw); fig. to act pragmatically/to be flexible and take advantage of the situation/
- 擠入 挤入 [ji3 ru4] /intrude/
+ 擠入 挤入 [ji3 ru4] /to intrude/
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