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Change log entry 7113
Processed by: miles (2009-01-01 15:48:07 GMT)
- 汛 汛 [xun4] /high water/sprinkle water/
+ 汛 汛 [xun4] /high water/flood/to sprinkle water/
+ 汛期 汛期 [xun4 qi1] /flood season/
+ 洪水期 洪水期 [hong2 shui3 qi1] /flood season/
+ 洪汛期 洪汛期 [hong2 xun4 qi1] /flood season/
+ 春汛 春汛 [chun1 xun4] /spring flood/
+ 伏汛 伏汛 [fu2 xun4] /summer flood/
+ 汛情 汛情 [xun4 qing2] /flood/
+ 桃花汛 桃花汛 [tao2 hua1 xun4] /spring flood (at peach-blossom time)/
+ 桃汛 桃汛 [tao2 xun4] /spring flood (at peach-blossom time)/
+ 河水 河水 [he2 shui3] /river water/
- 綠營 绿营 [lu:4 ying2] /Green Standard Army/
+ 綠營 绿营 [Lu:4 ying2] /Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/
+ 綠營兵 绿营兵 [Lu:4 ying2 bing1] /Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/
+ 綠旗兵 绿旗兵 [Lu:4 qi2 bing1] /same as 綠營|绿营[lu:4 ying2], Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units/
+ 永久凍土 永久冻土 [yong3 jiu3 dong4 tu3] /permafrost/
+ 永凍土 永冻土 [yong3 dong4 tu3] /permafrost/
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