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Change log entry 7111
Processed by: miles (2009-01-01 13:51:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 5551 >>
+ 群雄 群雄 [qun2 xiong2] /outstanding heroes/warlords vying for supremacy (in former times)/stars (of sports or pop music)/
+ 逐鹿 逐鹿 [zhu2 lu4] /to pursue deer/fig. to vie for supremacy/
+ 群雄逐鹿 群雄逐鹿 [qun2 xiong2 zhu2 lu4] /great heroes pursue deer in the central plains (成语 saw); fig. many vie for supremacy/
+ 炒地皮 炒地皮 [chao3 di4 pi2] /to speculate in building land/
+ 炒股票 炒股票 [chao3 gu3 piao4] /to speculate in stocks/
+ 炒貨 炒货 [chao3 huo4] /roasted snacks (peanuts, chestnuts etc)/
+ 炒冷飯 炒冷饭 [chao3 leng3 fan4] /to stir-fry left-over rice/fig. to rehash the same story/to serve up the same old product/
+ 炒米 炒米 [chao3 mi3] /fried rice/millet stir-fried in butter/
By MDBG 2024
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