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Change log entry 71019
Processed by: richwarm (2020-10-28 21:30:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67219 - submitted by 'haton' >>
Various definitions include "Tai-lo" phonetics, so it may be interesting to have it

Editor: It's a romanization system, as your reference states.
A transliteration is a mapping from one system of writing into another.
# 臺羅字 台罗字 [Tai2 luo2 zi4] /Tai-lo, transliteration system for Taiwanese Hokkien/abbr. of 臺灣閩南語羅馬字拼音方案|台湾闽南语罗马字拼音方案/
+ 臺羅字 台罗字 [Tai2 luo2 zi4] /Tai-lo, romanization system for Taiwanese Hokkien (abbr. for 臺灣閩南語羅馬字拼音方案|台湾闽南语罗马字拼音方案[Tai2 wan1 Min3 nan2 yu3 Luo2 ma3 zi4 Pin1 yin1 Fang1 an4])/
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