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Change log entry 70556
Processed by: richwarm (2020-09-02 05:45:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65181 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
just heard it yesterday used in a conversation..


B: “酸儿辣女”是流传最广的生男生女传言之一,根据孕后准妈妈饮食习惯的改变,来判断肚里宝宝的性别。 如果喜欢吃酸的就会生男孩,如果喜欢吃辣的就生女孩。 其实,孕妇出现食欲下降、对气味敏感、嗜酸或嗜辣,甚至想吃些平时并不喜吃的食物,均属于正常的妊娠生理反映,原因是孕后内分泌活动改变,胎盘分泌绒毛促性腺激素。
+ 酸兒辣女 酸儿辣女 [suan1 er2 la4 nu:3] /if a woman likes to eat sour during pregnancy, she will have a boy; if she likes to eat spicy, she will have a girl (idiom)/
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