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Change log entry 70496
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-30 09:46:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65278 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* ABC's region tag "PRC" seems plainly wrong to me. 山地同胞 appears mostly on Taiwanese sources and (according to Wikipedia) was used mostly during early KMT rule.
* 山胞 is abbreviation of 山地同胞 but it seems more common than the original expression.

※ 山地同胞

n. 〈PRC〉 Taiwan aborigines (most of whom live in mountainous regions)


During the early period of Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) rule the terms Shandi Tongbao (山地同胞) "mountain compatriots" and Pingdi Tongbao (平地同胞) "plains compatriots" were invented, to remove the presumed taint of Japanese influence and reflect the place of Taiwan's indigenous people in the Chinese Nationalist state.
[Chinese Wikipedia redirects 山地同胞 to 台湾原住民族]

On the speckled screen, the title "Portrait of the Exquisite People" is the first thing to appear--"Exquisite People" being the name given to the mountain aboriginals by the Japanese.

Even more important than art, perhaps, is cultural communication--helping us get to know the culture of the nine aboriginal people, who walk the same earth and breath the same air as we. With the contemporary scene as a forum, a dialogue has begun between the mountains and the plains.

The 10 aboriginal tribes in Taiwan are mostly to be found in remote mountain areas, and have traditionally earned a living from hunting and farming.

社会本来就是一个大型的染缸,人人称羡之余,竞相效法。甚至有人在办丧事时,都要高价请人来段销魂艳舞,才能令活者顺心,死者瞑目。由这些山地同胞 身上,我看到了人间社会阴暗的一面,有一阵子,我曾想去山地为他们服务。

对这个“九族文化村”,当地舆论看法也不尽一致。当晚我们在电视里就看到一场围绕“九族文化村”而展开的争论,山地同胞 对展示他们的习俗来赚钱颇有不满。

※ 山胞

① residents of mountainous areas
②〈TW〉 the indigenous people of Taiwan



Sun Moon Lake is an internationally renowned tourist attraction. President Chiang Kai-shek loved this place and often came here for retreat and meditation. A village here with a museum of Taiwan's aborigine people is one attraction of the lake. Songs and dances of these mountaineers are regularly presented. Their handicraft products are also available for purchase.

Summer Camp for Aborigine City kids

Of the total population of 36,000 people, roughly 90% of residents can trace their ancestry to Kwangtung province in southeast mainland China. They are of the Hakka group of Chinese, while the remaining 10% are made up of Chinese from Fukien province and the original aborigine groups.

Last May a minor news item made the local papers: A Taiwan aborigine who didn't know what orchids were was said to have collected a big sackful of them from the mountains near Taitung to feed his pigs with.

他怎么也想不通,他是在无人管理的深山野林里砍的,何罪之有?山胞都为他鸣不平,一致谴责所谓的法律。法律的制定,缺乏从山地实际出发,无视山胞的生活形态和传统习俗。法律的制定,也没有征求山胞 的意见,事后又缺乏宣传,山胞对法律有陌生感、恐惧感和疏离感,这对法律来说,是一种莫大的讽刺。

这时,那几个山地人都坐在离火很近的地方,靠在一堆儿打盹。火光照亮了他们的脸,这三个山胞 都很年轻,脸上没有野性的代表——刺青。显然他们也被文明所陶冶了。在这火光之下,以黑夜的山林为背景,她觉得他们都很漂亮。或者他们混杂了一些荷兰人的血统,眼眶微凹而额角和颞骨都比内地人高些,但他们确实是很漂亮的!
# 山地同胞 山地同胞 [shan1 di4 tong2 bao1] /Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/indigenous Taiwanese person/
# 山胞 山胞 [shan1 bao1] /Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/indigenous Taiwanese person/abbr. for 山地同胞[shan1 di4 tong2 bao1]/
+ 山地同胞 山地同胞 [shan1 di4 tong2 bao1] /(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/
+ 山胞 山胞 [shan1 bao1] /(dated) Taiwanese indigenous peoples/Taiwanese aborigine/abbr. for 山地同胞[shan1 di4 tong2 bao1]/
By MDBG 2024
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