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Change log entry 70461
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-26 08:13:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65006 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈wr.〉
① commander in chief
② high Qing military officer

commander in chief; generalissimo

1. 军队的主帅。
| 皇帝任命他为~,领兵抗敌。
2. 清代对总督的尊称。北洋军阀的首领亦称大帅。
| ~张作霖
| 吴佩孚~。

1. 军队的主将。
| 《后汉书.卷四一.宋均传》:「蛮夷震怖,即共斩其大帅而降,于是入贼营,散其众,遣归本郡,为置长吏而还。」
2. 清代对总督的敬称。
| 《二十年目睹之怪现状.第七二回》:「藩台此时也朵了,垂手说道:『这个只求大帅格外设法!』」

名 主帅。

> There's something else you people ought to know. The defender of the throne this time is none other than General Zhang. And General Zhang is a descendant of the famous Yan general Zhang Fei. He has an eighteen-foot spear and courage enough to take on ten thousand men! Who can stand up to a man like that? ” He raised his two hands and held them apart, slightly cupped and parallel, as if they grasped an invisible eighteen-foot spear. He lunged toward Sister Bayi and demanded, “Can you stand up to him? ” (Lyell)
> I'd have you know the new Protector is General Zhang, who's descended from Zhang Fei of the former State of Yan. With his huge lance eighteen feet long, he dares take on ten thousand men. Who can stand against him?” Raising both hands as if grasping a huge invisible lance, he took a few swift paces towards Widow Ba Yi. “Are you a match for him?” (Yangs)
> and it’ll be Zhang Xun, the emperor’s own general, Zhang Fei’s own descendant, at their head, taking on ten thousand men at a time with his eighteen-foot lance. No one can stop him’ He bore down on Mrs Ba Yi, clenching his fists in the air, as if wielding an invisible spear: ‘No one!’ (Lovell)

When he was a secretary at the office of the provincial military governor, the marshal's caltrop mustache was so impressive that it looked like it had been transplanted from a Jen-tan medicine advertisement.

三月中,宋朝廷调整了军事机构,任种师道为河北宣抚使,驻在黄河北岸的滑州,统筹两河军事。任西军大将、姚平仲的父亲姚古为河东路制置使,将兵救太原,任种师中为河北制置副使,将兵救中山、河间各地。当时称为三大帅 。
# 大帥 大帅 [da4 shuai4] /(old) commanding general/commander-in-chief/(Qing dynasty) title of the governor-general/
+ 大帥 大帅 [da4 shuai4] /(old) commanding general/commander-in-chief/(Qing dynasty) title for a governor-general (provincial military governor) 總督|总督[zong3 du1]/
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