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Change log entry 70457
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-25 06:04:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66772 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
<< follow-up of change log entry 70456 >>
<< review queue entry 66731 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>


在CCTV2《央视财经评论》栏目里主持人口播了iQOO Pro 5G版发布发布的信息。

Ma Dong, the former content director of iQiyi and now the CEO of a leading entertainment production company in China, first came up with his “fancy verbal endorsements” (花式口播) for sponsors - who Ma called his Daddies - in the debate show You Can You Bibi (奇葩说).

Oral endorsement (aka ”TIPS,” 口播)
Product information supplied by a cast member. This type of ad content is often featured before or after an episode.

Q 口播 是什麼意思
A ニュースや広告を口で伝える
[My translation of that: "news or advertising conveyed by voice"]

[...] 你曾经最喜欢的口播广告是什么?

Follow-up comments:
I wasn't really happy about my original wording:
"present an item of news ... by speaking directly to the audience"

... because that's the way news is *always* delivered in broadcasting.

I think the new wording captures the meaning better.
- 口播 口播 [kou3 bo1] /(broadcasting) to present an item of news or advertising by speaking directly to the audience/endorsement (by a celebrity for a product, delivered orally)/
+ 口播 口播 [kou3 bo1] /(broadcasting) to speak to the audience/to advertise a product by speaking directly to the audience/endorsement (by a celebrity for a product, delivered orally)/
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