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Change log entry 70441
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-23 08:07:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65432 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. 〈trad.〉 use a tabooed name

1 DATED defy by mentioning the name of the superior
| 古时候, 直呼皇帝名字是犯讳的。
| It was considered irreverent to call the emperor’s name in ancient times.
2 violate a taboo
| 你偏偏要提他出丑的事, 这不是成心犯讳吗?
| Aren’t you putting your foot in it by mentioning that scandal of his?

1. 旧指不避尊长的名讳。
| 古代官名~,是很忌讳的。
2. 犯忌。
| 坐船不能说「翻」,否则就~了。

| 《南史.卷二三.王亮传》:「下官以犯讳被代,未知明府讳。」

1 动 旧指不避讳尊长的名讳。
2 动 犯忌。

> Whether it was intentional or not, if anyone should violate this taboo, Ah Q would seethe with anger until every last one of his scabies scars would flush its deepest red. Then he would size up his opponent: if it happened to be someone who stuttered so badly that he couldn't get the second word out after the first, Ah Q would curse him up one side and down the other; if it was someone so puny and weak that he could hardly stand, Ah Q would start a fight. And yet, strange to tell, in all such encounters Ah Q somehow still managed to come out the loser more often than not. (Lyell)
> Whenever this taboo was disregarded, whether intentionally or not, Ah Q would fly into a rage, his ringworm scars turning scarlet. He would look over the offender, and if it were someone weak in repartee he would curse him, while if it were a poor fighter he would hit him. #3Yet, curiously enough, it was usually Ah Q who was worsted in these encounters, (Yangs)
> Any flaunting of the taboo - whether deliberate or accidental - provoked first the controversial scars to glow a furious red. Ah-Q would then size up his adversary: the dull-witted he would subject to a tongue-lashing; the weak he would punch in the nose. The curious thing, though, was how often -in fact, almost always - Ah-Q came off worse. (Lovell)

蔡幺妹点头附和道:“爹生前曾多次背后向我说起过那位仇大哥,说他有如一只卧虎,是个真正的英雄好汉,只是不明他的来路。爹还一再告诫我休去探他身世,说这是‘犯讳 ’的。要是他还在店里,我就去求他。”

有了上海的租界,——那时叫作“洋场”,也叫“夷场”,后来有怕犯讳 的,便往往写作“彝场”——有些才子们便跑到上海来,因为才子是旷达的,那里都去;君子则对于外国人的东西总有点厌恶,而且正在想求正路的功名,所以决不轻易的乱跑。

秦始皇名政,秦人连“正”字都要避讳,正月是改称“端月”。他们却用了“匡正”这个动词,故意来犯讳 ,表示是秦始皇自己的口气,使扶苏和蒙恬不得怀疑。
+ 犯諱 犯讳 [fan4 hui4] /to use the tabooed name 名諱|名讳[ming2 hui4] of hierarchical superiors (old)/to violate a taboo/to use a taboo word or character/
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