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Change log entry 70382
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-14 06:20:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66710 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) "a fire in one's backyard" -- if we were to have that, it should be labeled as a literal meaning (one that isn't used in practice)

2) 后院起火 is a *statement*, not a noun ("conflict close to home")

Z ~ 比喻內部鬧矛盾,發生糾紛

a) 美国后院起火!从天堂堕落到地狱的委内瑞拉,正式与美国断交

b) 印度陆军发布的最新通报显示,印度东北地区出现了大量武装分子。近期,大批游击队和叛军在印度东北地区活动,趁着印度军方将注意力放在跟邻国对峙中,开始疯狂袭击印度警察局,甚至连印度军方的营地都没有放过。在北方军事对峙吃紧的情况下,印度军方又遭遇了“后院起火”,多线作战的印军已经疲于奔命。
- 後院起火 后院起火 [hou4 yuan4 qi3 huo3] /a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home/
+ 後院起火 后院起火 [hou4 yuan4 qi3 huo3] /a conflict arises close to home (idiom)/
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