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Change log entry 70350
Processed by: richwarm (2020-08-08 00:10:43 GMT)
Comment: "wash the soil off"
- 蘿蔔快了不洗泥 萝卜快了不洗泥 [luo2 bo5 kuai4 le5 bu4 xi3 ni2] /when radishes are selling fast, one doesn't take the time to clean the soil on them (idiom)/fig. when business is booming, merchants tend to offer goods of inferior quality/
+ 蘿蔔快了不洗泥 萝卜快了不洗泥 [luo2 bo5 kuai4 le5 bu4 xi3 ni2] /when radishes are selling fast, one doesn't take the time to wash the soil off them (idiom)/fig. when business is booming, merchants tend to offer goods of inferior quality/
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