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Change log entry 70323
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-08-04 06:02:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66642 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

TP examples for /to return a favor/to reciprocate/

1) 每一幅都是黃騰輝對玫瑰的愛情,也是玫瑰還報他的知音。

2) 到台北內湖抽水、清除污泥、掃街,還報當年北市義助之情。
headed for Taipei City's Neihu district with shovels, scoops, brooms and pumps, to help pump out floodwater, clear away mud and sweep the streets, in order to repay their debt of gratitude to volunteers from Taipei who helped them in their hour of need two years ago.
+ 還報 还报 [huan2 bao4] /to return a favor/to reciprocate/(literary) to report back/
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