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Change log entry 70236
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-28 07:10:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66576 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) Torque is expressed using 矩, not 距, as in the following two entries:
扭矩 扭矩 [niu3 ju3] /torque/turning force/
轉矩 转矩 [zhuan4 ju3] /torque/

2) Miles added the following three entries in a single batch:
+ 轉矩臂 转矩臂 [zhuan4 ju3 bi4] /torque arm/
+ 轉距 转距 [zhuan4 ju4] /torque/ <--------------------- only this one uses 距
+ 扭矩 扭矩 [niu3 ju3] /torque/turning force/


So 距 looks like a mistake.

3) We seem to be the only dictionary that has 转距.

4) GV
"转矩" - 4.1 million
"转距" - 0.06 million
(and the top G result for "转距" is derived from cc-cedict)
- 轉距 转距 [zhuan4 ju4] /torque/
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