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Change log entry 70212
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-07-26 06:41:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66538 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. /silver coin that served as the main currency in Bohemia/

Original def was "name for the silver coin and the main currency" -- Best to make it clear that these are not two different things.

2. Add "tolar" in the 2nd sense. The last line of the following quote confirms that the Bohemian coin is also spelled "tolar".
(Long quote but I thought the first part of it was interesting :-)

"... was named in German the Joachimsthaler, from the silver mined by the Counts of Schlick at a rich source near Joachimsthal (St. Joachim's Valley, Jáchymov – now in the Czech Republic) where Thal (Tal) means "valley" in German. Joachim, the father of the Virgin Mary, was portrayed on the coin along with the Bohemian lion. Similar coins began to be minted in neighbouring valleys rich in silver deposits, each named after the particular 'thal' or valley from which the silver was extracted. There were soon so many of them that these silver coins began to be known more widely as 'thaler' in German and 'tolar' in the Czech language."

3. taler also thaler : Any of numerous silver coins that served as a unit of currency in certain Germanic countries between the 15th and 19th centuries.

- 托拉爾 托拉尔 [tuo1 la1 er3] /(loanword) tolar, former currency of Slovenia/name for the silver coin and the main currency in Bohemia from 16th-18th century/
+ 托拉爾 托拉尔 [tuo1 la1 er3] /(loanword) tolar, currency of Slovenia 1991-2007/tolar, silver coin that served as the main currency of Bohemia 1520-1750/
+ 塔勒 塔勒 [ta3 le4] /thaler or taler (currency of various Germanic countries in 15th-19th centuries) (loanword)/
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