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Change log entry 69893
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-29 06:04:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66315 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Yves wrote our current definition, pointing out that "allusion", which is in all sorts of dictionaries, is wrong.

There is another sense that is quite common, though. It appears in the "War Department Dictionary of Spoken Chinese":
典故 : the story of something (real, true); the story of someone's life; the story behind something.

It's an extension of the "classical story" sense.

Examples from TP:

County executive Liu Li-chun explains how mantis shrimp came to be so popular.

The group name Qun Bai Yao Yao sounds youthful and energetic in Chinese. Though the English translation “Swinging Skirts” may sound a bit condescendingly girlish, there is in fact a high-minded and totally non-sexist reason behind the name. Golf originated in Scotland, where the traditional attire for men is the plaid kilt, and out of respect for this tradition, during Swinging Skirts tournaments the men wear kilts. Since in Chinese the same character qun is used in the compounds for both “skirt” and “kilt,” it is clear that “Swinging Skirts” in English fails to capture the full significance of the Chinese name, which is not gender-specific.

“Tall and solidly built. He dresses in a standard white shirt and light gray or black slacks, and wears glasses underneath closely cropped hair. He doesn’t say much and stutters a bit when he does speak. His big eyes look almost vacant when he trains them on you. Using the word of the moment to describe him, there’s nothing ‘in’ about him. But when he gets started on food, words just pour out of him. He’ll run through the history of the most famous dishes of every restaurant you’ve ever heard of. It’s an education.”


Without exception they said that they had gained a deep impression of friendliness and hospitality—and had learned a lot about the history of the festival.

“Tainan’s breakfasts are wonderful. They got me into the habit of getting up early in the morning without any real effort or planning on my part.” Yu Fu’s drawings of Tainan’s breakfasts are unique, and feature his “five treasures”: beef soup, fish ball soup, savory congee, sticky rice dumplings with peanuts, and fish soup.
- 典故 典故 [dian3 gu4] /classical story or quote from the literature/
+ 典故 典故 [dian3 gu4] /classical story or quote from the literature/the story behind sth/
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