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Change log entry 69823
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-22 14:09:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65375 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. 〈trad.〉
① disciple
② hanger-on/advisor of an aristocrat

1 pupil; disciple; follower
2 hanger-on of an aristocrat; follower

1. 生徒;弟子。
2. 〈书〉食客,寄食在贵族豪门家并为之效劳的门客。
| 孟尝君~数千。

1. 弟子。
| 《礼记.檀弓上》:「夫子闻之曰:『谁与哭者?』门人曰:『鲤也。』」
| 《文选.曹丕.与吴质书》:「痛知音之难遇,伤门人之莫逮。」
2. 守门人。
| 《公羊传.襄公二十九年》:「祭阍者何?门人也。」
3. 门下客。
| 《战国策.齐策二》:「见孟尝君门人公孙戍曰:『臣郢之登徒也,直送象床,象床之直干舍。』」

1 名 门生①[名 旧时指跟从老师或前辈学习的人; 弟子]。
2 名 门客①[名 门下客; 食客。即寄食在贵族豪门家里并为他们效劳的人。如毛遂是战国时赵国公子平原君赵胜的门客。]。

Among Zhu Xi's disciples, Chen Chun is considered to be one who had more inventions and original idea.

In the book of Confucians in the Ming Dynasty written by Huang Zongxi, Zhou Haimen was listed in the school of Taizhou as the disciple of Lou Jinxi.

Confucius said: "Shan, my Tao is penetrated by a single thread."Tseng Tzu said, "Yes."When the Master left, some disciples asked what he meant. Tseng Tzu said, "Our master's Tao is to be sincere and fair, and that's it."

> As to the rest, well, that's beyond the scope of a man of shallow scholarship like myself. I can only hope that the disciples of Mr. Hu Shi, who describes himself as having a "weakness for historical research coupled with an addiction to textual criticism," will be able to ferret out new clues at some time in the future. But by that time I'm afraid my "Ah Q—The Real Story" will have long since passed out of existence. (Lyell)
> As for the other problems, it is not for such unlearned people as myself to solve them, and I can only hope that disciples of Dr. Hu Shi, who has such “a passion for history and research,” may be able in future to throw new light on them. I am afraid, however, that by that time my “True Story of Ah Q” will have long since passed into oblivion. (Yangs)
> What remains to be known lies beyond the superficial capabilities of amateurs to unravel; and I can only hope that in future the disciples of a dedicated erudite such as Mr Hu Shi will hunt out new clues, in their relentless quest to further human knowledge, thoroughly obliterating what little achievement my Real Story of Ah-Q may constitute. (Lovell)
+ 門人 门人 [men2 ren2] /disciple/follower/hanger-on (on an aristocrat's home)/
By MDBG 2024
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