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Change log entry 69819
Processed by: richwarm (2020-06-22 08:30:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66237 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
Plenty of G-hits, but in none of my other dicts (although I have a feeling I've see it in a Hokkien proverb dictionary before). Of course, plenty of variation around use of 來 or not, 怨/怪 etc.
I'm following 500P for the choice of variant and definitions.
# 拉不出屎來怨茅房 拉不出屎来怨茅房 [la1 bu4 chu1 shi3 lai2 yuan4 mao2 fang2] /lit. not to be able to take a dump and blame the toilet (idiom)/a good carpenter doesn't blame his tools/
+ 拉不出屎來怨茅房 拉不出屎来怨茅房 [la1 bu4 chu1 shi3 lai2 yuan4 mao2 fang2] /lit. to blame the toilet because one is having difficulty completing a bowel movement (idiom)/fig. to blame others for problems caused by one's own shortcomings/
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