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Change log entry 69716
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-06-04 13:59:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 66178 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"(may be proscribed) General term for dictionaries."
(edit by Wyang)

In 1960, Dr. John Lilly, one of the first to study dolphins, anticipated that "humans will be able to communicate with the bottlenose dolphin within a decade or two." He even tried to produce a dolphin dictionary. But will there be a day when dolphins and fishermen can reach a modus vivendi and share fisheries resources?

Several years ago Liu and a group of students set themselves the task of producing a dictionary of dance. Today more than 10,000 entries have been completed, and the work has been turned over to the National Institute for Compilation and Translation for publication. Two years ago she established the "Neo-Classical Performing Arts Foundation." She plans to reproduce a number of precious Tang dynasty materials and works of her own in choreographic notation, with the goal of releasing books and videotapes sometime in the future.

"Video arcade games are just hands responding to actions. Computer games provide the player with a lot of data. Especially when playing games from overseas, to understand the plot the gamer must look up words in the dictionary while playing. If, by some chance, this word is a clue, the player can't ignore it," explains Chiang.
- 字典 字典 [zi4 dian3] /Chinese character dictionary (containing entries for single characters, contrasted with a 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3], which has entries for words of one or more characters)/CL:本[ben3]/
+ 字典 字典 [zi4 dian3] /Chinese character dictionary (containing entries for single characters, contrasted with a 詞典|词典[ci2 dian3], which has entries for words of one or more characters)/(coll.) dictionary/CL:本[ben3]/
By MDBG 2024
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