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Change log entry 69538
Processed by: richwarm (2020-04-14 01:11:40 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65732 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
2 problems with our definition

1) "progress in the Dao can seem illusory"
I think that's wrong. 进道若退 implies that when there is progress it seems like regress.
If it suggests that something is illusory, it's the sense of regress, not the (actual) progress.

Example translations:
"The advancing Tao appears to retreat"

"Going forward seems like retreat"

2) "entering the Way ..."
The translations above understand 进 as "advancing", not "entering" as our definition would suggest.
And similarly, HDC uses 前进 to explain the 进 in 进道若退.
- 進道若退 进道若退 [jin4 dao4 ruo4 tui4] /entering the Way, you seem to coil back (Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3], the Book of Dao 道德经, Chap. 41)/progress in the Dao can seem illusory/
+ 進道若退 进道若退 [jin4 dao4 ruo4 tui4] /progress seems like regress (the Book of Dao 道德经[Dao4 de2 qing1], Chpt. 41)/
By MDBG 2024
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