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Change log entry 69289
Processed by: richwarm (2020-02-27 23:57:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65808 - submitted by 'dine' >>
## segment 6 / 6

"the initial of a Chinese syllable" -- see ABC
e.g. 將一個字分作字頭、字腹、字尾一節節吐出。
making sure to carefully enunciate every sound of every syllable.
# 字頭 字头 [zi4 tou2] /head character (in a dictionary)/first digit (of a telephone number)/
+ 字頭 字头 [zi4 tou2] /first letter of a word or serial number/first character of a Chinese word/first digit of a number/the top part (esp. a radical) of a Chinese character/the initial of a Chinese syllable/
By MDBG 2024
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