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Change log entry 69028
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2020-01-31 08:16:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65030 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v. help; assist; work together with sb.

动 帮助协同(别人做事)
| 帮同料理
| 帮同办事。


[King Lear:] You owe me no subscription: then let fall / Your horrible pleasure: here I stand, your slave, / A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man: /But yet I call you servile ministers, / That have with two pernicious daughters join'd / Your high engender'd battles 'gainst a head / So old and white as this. O! O! 'tis foul!
你们没有顺从我的义务;所以,随你们的高兴,降下你们可怕的威力来吧,我站在这儿,只是你们的奴隶,一个可怜的、衰弱的、无力的、可是我仍然要骂你们是卑劣的帮凶,因为你们滥用上天的威力,帮同 两个万恶的女儿来跟我这个白发的老翁作对。啊!啊!这太卑劣了!
William Shakespeare , King Lear

青云道长令随来的十二个弟子,一齐留在罗汉阵外,一遇事故,立时帮同 少林僧侣拒敌,单带张雁一人,随着大愚禅师,同往方丈室去。

只有一处悬崖下有三文来长一块沙滩,必须瞄准了它,从一个弯弯扭扭的珊瑚礁缺口进去,把船像只箭直射进去,确是金城汤池。他起先选中士排岛,也是为了地形,只有一个港口,他看定一块地方建筑堡垒,架上船上的炮,可以抗拒追捕英舰,一方面仍旧遥奉英王乔治三世,取名乔治堡,算是英殖民地。先到塔喜堤去采办牲畜,也是预备多带土人去帮同 镇压当地土著,但是只有寥寥几个男子肯去,女人更不踊跃。

我译了几种书,就会有一个中国的绥惠略夫出现,倘译一部世界史,不就会有许多拟中外古今的大人物猬集一堂么。但我想不干这件事。否则,拿破仑要我帮同打仗,秦始皇要我帮同 烧书,科仑布拉去旅行,梅特涅加以压制,一个人撕得粉碎了。

> Sixpounder's fork-horns have been transformed into a single large braid. Although her feet have recently been bound, she is still able to help her mother do some of the work and can be seen hobbling back and forth on the threshing ground, a ricebowl repaired with sixteen rivets in her hands. (Lyell)
> Sixpounder's twin tufts of hair have changed into a thick braid. Although recently they started binding her feet, she can still help Mrs. Sevenpounder with odd jobs. She hobbles to and fro on the mud flat carrying the rice bowl with sixteen copper rivets (Yangs)
> while Six-Pounds’s two wiry little braids have merged into a larger, single plait. And even though her feet have now been bound, she still helps Mrs Seven-Pounds with the chores, hobbling back and forth across the mudbank, carrying her rice bowl with its sixteen copper nails. (Lovell)
+ 幫同 帮同 [bang1 tong2] /to help (sb do sth)/to assist (sb in doing sth)/
By MDBG 2024
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