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Change log entry 68620
Processed by: richwarm (2019-11-12 04:41:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65299 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
<< resubmitted review queue entry 65298 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
heard it the other day
not sure about the gaming sense of the word tho

B: 躺尸指睡觉。游戏里指躺在地上的尸体长久不消失或装死。

Q: 躺尸是什麼意思?
A: 指宅男宅女整日啥也不干躺在床上睡觉的一种生活方式。

- 女性朋友们第一次做你们躺尸了吗? - 知乎

- IKEA鐵了心解決「躺屍」這樣神出手. .... 為了讓民眾都可以躺在實品屋內,擁有隱私好好體驗,不要再出現賣場「躺屍」畫面,這家快閃旅店舉凡宜家卡卡友就有資格參加申請,但需要被評鑑擁有「獨特的入住理由」,才有機會被選中體驗一晚。

In 女性朋友们第一次做你们躺尸了吗?
it's "lie motionless" -- not lie around, or rest, or sleep.
I think it's "lie motionless" in the other cases too.
Here are three more examples ~
- 乌克兰民众“躺尸”街头 抗议逮捕示威学生
- 实拍韩国烂醉女躺尸街头,遭男子抠下体猥亵 ...
- 【躺尸照】艺术家IG爆红!网友笑翻:像死在世界各地景点!

I'll leave the gaming sense for another time.
# 躺屍 躺尸 [tang3 shi1] /(coll.) to lie around in bed/to rest/to sleep/
+ 躺屍 躺尸 [tang3 shi1] /(deprecatory) to lie motionless (asleep, drunk, lazing etc)/
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