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Change log entry 68618
Processed by: richwarm (2019-11-11 20:52:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65287 - submitted by 'vermillon' >>
# 勝者王侯敗者賊 胜者王侯败者贼 [sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 zei2] /winner, king, loser, traitor (idiom)/history is written by the victors/
+ 勝者王侯敗者賊 胜者王侯败者贼 [sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 zei2] /see 勝者王侯敗者寇|胜者王侯败者寇[sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 kou4]/
+ 勝者王侯敗者寇 胜者王侯败者寇 [sheng4 zhe3 wang2 hou2 bai4 zhe3 kou4] /the winners become princes and marquises; the losers are vilified as bandits (idiom)/history is written by the victors/
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