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Change log entry 68317
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-09-27 16:19:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62126 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
*I'm not sure what the first definition, “snail's home”, is supposed to mean; it seems in English it usually refers to the snail's actual shell, but 蜗居 doesn't seem to be used with this meaning.
*“Humble abode” is a good definition, but Chinese dictionaries emphasize smallness, a home can be humble without necessarily being small.
*Pronounced ɡuājū in Taiwan (the entry for 蝸 already indicates it is read ɡuā in TW, but it makes sense to add here, as it is with 蜗牛)
*蜗居 can be, and often is, used as verb, generally followed by 于 or 在.

f.e. 〈wr.〉 humble abode
NOUN LITERARY humble abode; small dwelling
|本該留三先生、四先生草榻, 奈鄉下蝸居, 二位先生恐不甚便。
1. 像蜗牛壳一样窄小的居室。也作「蜗舍」、「蜗庐」。
2. 像蜗牛藏身于窄小壳中般地居住(于某处)。
1 名 像蜗牛壳那样的居室。谦称自己窄小的住所
|躲进蜗居, 以书为伴。
2 动 像蜗牛那样居住(在窄小的房子里)

Why live in a flimsy bungalow in the Valley when an Indian company will provide you with a villa in a gated community, membership of a country club and a chauffeur-driven car?

But the young Fisherman answered not his Soul, but in a cleft of the rock he built himself a house of wattles, and abode there for the space of a year

A protester who has spent a third night in a tree has no intention of coming down within the next few days.

Housed in a tiny storeroom at BC Women’s Hospital, the milk bank is a hive of activity.

Non-natives and people from other parts of Guangdong live on the edge of the city, while Guangzhou natives live in the centre.


Editor: this entry was changed less than a month ago.
# - 蝸居 蜗居 [wo1 ju1] /snail's home/fig. humble abode/
# + 蝸居 蜗居 [wo1 ju1] /small and humble abode/one's own home (self-depreciatory)/to reside (implying a small and humble home)/Taiwan pr. [gua1 ju1]/
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