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Change log entry 68312
Processed by: richwarm (2019-09-27 10:38:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62074 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Called 保甲制度, 保甲法 or simply 保甲, this entry would better be placed under 保甲. The pinyin is baojia, not Bao-Jia. In seems by the Republican era ten households make one jia and ten jia one bao, as most dictionaries mention, but it hasn't always been so.

Baojia 保甲 was a system of communal self-defense created during the Song period 宋 (960-1279) and revived during the Republican era (1912-1949). It was a specialization of the lijia system 里甲 used for local self-administration.

The baojia system (Chinese: 保甲; pinyin: bǎojiǎ; Wade–Giles: pao-chia) was an invention of Wang Anshi of the Song dynasty, who created this community-based system of law enforcement and civil control that was included in his large reform of Chinese government ("the New Policies") from 1069–1076.
The structure of the baojia system changed over time. In Wang Anshi's original system, its basic unit was the bao (watch), which consisted of ten families. However, during the Ming dynasty, this ten family unit was instead labeled a jia (tithing), and ten jia (or one hundred families) made a bao. Each jia possessed a placard that rotated among the families. The family holding it at a given time was the jiazhang, or tithing captain. Similarly, the captain of the bao was the baozhang.

There was a great deal of regional variation in the system. In some areas, jia had as few as four families or as many as thirteen. Some Jiangnan counties added an intermediary unit called the dang (compact). This unit consisted of thirty families and had a corresponding dangzhang.

※ 保甲
n. ①tithing security system ②headman of village security system
※ 保甲制
NOUN HISTORY Bao-Jia system (former administrative system organized on the basis of households, each Jia being made up of 10 households, and each Bao of 10 Jia)
※ 保甲制度
the Bao-Jia system (an old administrative system organized on the basis of households, each Jia being made up of 10 households, and each Bao of 10 Jia)
※ 保甲法
古時地方上的基層自治組織, 為宋朝王安石所創。以十家為保, 設保長, 五十家為一大保, 設大保長, 徵召壯丁, 教導戰陣。目的在使鄉民能自衛, 以防範奸慝。
|保甲之法, 籍鄉村之民, 二丁取一, 十家為保, 保丁皆授以弓弩, 教之戰陣。

※ 甲
NOUN DATED unit of civil administration consisting of 10 households
7 古代基層治安制度的戶口編制名稱。如:「保甲」。
| 元.施惠《幽閨記.第六齣》
| 奉上司明文, 遍張文榜, 畫影圖形, 十家為甲, 排門粉壁, 各處挨捕。
7. 旧时的一种户口编制,若干户为一甲,若干甲为一保。
| 保~
| ~长。

NOUN HISTORY former administrative system organized on the basis of households, each Bao being made up of 10 Jia (甲)
4 舊時地方的組織: a 基層組織, 五家為保。 b 見「保甲法」條。
8. 旧时户籍编制单位,一般十户为一甲,十甲为一保。
+ 保甲 保甲 [bao3 jia3] /historical communal administrative and self-defence system created during the Song Dynasty and revived during the Republican Era, in which households are grouped in jia 甲[jia3] and jia are grouped in bao 保[bao3]/
- 保甲制度 保甲制度 [bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4] /the Bao-Jia system (an administrative system organized on basis of households)/
- 保長 保长 [bao3 zhang3] /head of a bao in the Bao-Jia system 保甲制度[bao3 jia3 zhi4 du4]/
+ 保長 保长 [bao3 zhang3] /head of a bao 保[bao3] in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system/
- 甲 甲 [jia3] /first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/(used for an unspecified person or thing)/first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)/letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/armor plating/shell or carapace/(of the fingers or toes) nail/bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)/civil administration unit (old)/ancient Chinese compass point: 75°/
+ 甲 甲 [jia3] /first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/(used for an unspecified person or thing)/first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)/letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/armor plating/shell or carapace/(of the fingers or toes) nail/bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)/civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old)/ancient Chinese compass point: 75°/
- 保 保 [bao3] /to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to ensure/
+ 保 保 [bao3] /to defend/to protect/to keep/to guarantee/to ensure/civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old)/
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