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Change log entry 68309
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-09-26 16:57:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64769 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

trad 范
(I think LA is wrong.)

"范德瓦耳斯力" site:.tw - About 476 results
"範德瓦耳斯力" site:.tw - 10 results


"valency" is British English for "valence" and anyway, I think it's wrong here. It's something different from van der Waals force.
Valency is something that *atoms* have (their combining power expressed as a whole number) whereas van der Waals force is an attractive force between molecules (not necessarily atoms). As far as I can see, these forces are not measured as whole numbers.

Oxford @ valency
British - Chemistry
The combining power of an element, especially as measured by the number of hydrogen atoms it can displace or combine with.
‘carbon always has a valency of 4’

Oxford @ van der Waals forces
Weak, short-range electrostatic attractive forces between uncharged molecules, arising from the interaction of permanent or transient electric dipole moments.


范德華力(Van der Waals force)在化學中指分子之間非定向的 - About 111,000 results
凡得瓦力(Van der Waals force)在化學中指分子之間非定向的、無飽和性的 - About 11,800 results
- 範德瓦耳斯力 范德瓦耳斯力 [Fan4 de2 Wa3 er3 si1 li4] /van der Waals force (valency)/
+ 范德瓦耳斯力 范德瓦耳斯力 [Fan4 de2 Wa3 er3 si1 li4] /(molecular physics) van der Waals force/
+ 范德華力 范德华力 [Fan4 de2 hua2 li4] /(molecular physics) van der Waals force/
+ 凡得瓦力 凡得瓦力 [Fan2 de2 wa3 li4] /(molecular physics) van der Waals force/
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