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Change log entry 68276
Processed by: monigeria (2019-09-26 09:20:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62264 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
“Any” is generally the most clear and direct translation of 任意. Notice how the definitions arbitrary/at will/at random aren't very useful in most specific examples.

The rationalization of any 1-connected finite CW-complex is a rational spaces.

If the Publishers sell less than 300 copies within any 12 months period, the Proprietors can at their own will terminate the Agreement with written notice to the Publishers.

A machine that can create any 3-D object out of plastic in a few minutes was unveiled at a trade fair in Las Vegas this week.

Choose any 60-minute treatment and receive an upgrade to a 90-minute duration with our compliments, also includes a warming ginger and red sugar tea with Christmas cookies.

In the simplest terms, a closure can be considered to be any JavaScript code contained within curly braces ({}).

If the application is designed in a stateless manner, requests can be routed to any of the Network Depoloyment cluster members containing the deployed application (no request affinity).

下面的SELECT语句将返回MJATST 模式(库)中在SSD 上有一些分配的任意SQL表或物理文件。
The following SELECT statement will return any SQL tables or physical files that have some allocation on SSD in schema (library) MJATST.

I like to think "It could be anything, it's your auction, begin at any price".

We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick.
- 任意 任意 [ren4 yi4] /arbitrary/at will/at random/
+ 任意 任意 [ren4 yi4] /any/arbitrary/at will/at random/
By MDBG 2024
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