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Change log entry 67990
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-08-23 05:41:10 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63176 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. "Annotated Sounds" is nonsense.
One annotates *hanzi*, not sounds.

2. It's a verb (a "v.o.")
See PLC, M, LA, K, GF, HDC etc.
GR ~ indiquer la prononciation (des caractères)

3. Examples
【成语】投袂而起 【注音】tóu mèi ér qǐ
窝工國語注音:ㄨㄛㄍㄨㄥ漢語拼音:wō gōng

J ~ That is why phonetic symbols are used in reading materials for Taiwanese primary schools.

4. "Mandarin phonetic symbols (MPS)"
In English translations, the system is often also called either Chu-yin or the Mandarin Phonetic Symbols.

5. [zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4]
No reason to capitalize. It's lowercase in all dictionaries.
- 注音 注音 [zhu4 yin1] /Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan/also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ/
+ 注音 注音 [zhu4 yin1] /to indicate the pronunciation of Chinese characters using Pinyin or Bopomofo etc/phonetic notation/(specifically) Bopomofo (abbr. for 注音符號|注音符号[zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4])/
- 注音符號 注音符号 [Zhu4 yin1 Fu2 hao4] /Zhuyin Fuhao, phonetic transliteration system for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan, also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ/
+ 注音符號 注音符号 [zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4] /Mandarin phonetic symbols (MPS), phonetic alphabet for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan, also known colloquially as Bopomofo (after the first four letters of the alphabet:ㄅㄆㄇㄈ)/
- 注音字母 注音字母 [Zhu4 yin1 Zi4 mu3] /see 注音符號|注音符号[Zhu4 yin1 Fu2 hao4]/
+ 注音字母 注音字母 [zhu4 yin1 zi4 mu3] /see 注音符號|注音符号[zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4]/
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