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Change log entry 67980
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-20 21:56:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64595 - submitted by 'worldwebworm' >>
https://zh.wiktionary.org/zh-hans/%E9%9C%9E you can find the definition in the "汉语" section which says that this character literally means "afteglow"

1) That reference doesn't mention the word "afterglow".
2) "afterglow" refers to sunset light (晚霞), whereas 霞 refers to either sunrise or sunset.
- 霞 霞 [xia2] /red clouds/
# + 霞 霞 [xia2] /afterglow/
# Editor:
+ 霞 霞 [xia2] /rose-tinted sky or clouds at sunrise or sunset/
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