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Change log entry 67930
Processed by: richwarm (2019-08-12 10:06:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64540 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 玄 is in in the dictionary, 玄色 isn't different from 黑色, 红色, 绿色, etc., all of them already on CEDICT.

n. dark black


名 黑色。

Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red the other is black.

He went to see his internet friend in a black jacket.

Health authorities in Thailand are urging young women not to wear fashionable black leggings to avoid attracting unwanted attention from dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

Mocks of Jobs' symbolic outfit – a black sweater he usually wore during press conferences, have also become popular recently.

HDC ~ 黑里带微赤的颜色

TP ~ 以中國傳統服式中的用色為例,古代中國最高禮服——冕服(祭服),用的是中國特有的玄色。王宇清指出,將白色先染赤、再染黑的玄色,看似黑色,卻不是黑色。
Take for example the use of color in traditional Chinese dress. The most elevated form of formal dress in ancient China was the mianfu ("worship dress"). Its color was xuan, unique to China. Wang Yu-ching notes that xuan color textiles are produced by first dying white cloth red, and then dying this black; it looks black, but carries a red tint.
# 玄色 玄色 [xuan2 se4] /black/
+ 玄色 玄色 [xuan2 se4] /black (without gloss)/black with a hint of red in it/
By MDBG 2024
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